Texas Spring Delight

by Lynn Bauer
Texas Spring Delight
Lynn Bauer
Photograph - Photography
TEXAS SPRING DELIGHT by Lynn Bauer -Texas has an array of amazing wildflowers in the spring. Usually things start off with thebloom of the state's official flower...Texas bluebonnets. The bluebonnet bloom is then followed by a virtual rainbow of colors that blanket mile upon mile of the Hill Country. Some years one particular flower is dominant, and other years it is just a pure mix.
The year this image was taken, the dominant flower was the yellow and brown coreopsis. In this image it is joined by pretty red firewheels (also know as indian blankets) and a pretty little purple flower.The year this photo was taken, yellow
coreopsis had what was considered to be their "100 year bloom."
Please check
out my extensive line
of wildflower photos
from Texas, California, and
a few other random places.
I have galleries for the states,
as well as a collective Wildflower
March 17th, 2012