Blaze of Glory

by Lynn Bauer
Blaze of Glory
Lynn Bauer
Photograph - Photography/digital Art
BLAZE OF GLORY by Lynn Bauer shows a glorious Texas sky at the end of a beautiful day as it glows over a field of red and orange poppies in the Hill Country of Texas. The only thing better than a field of Texas wildflowers during the spring is a field of Texas wildflowers with a beautiful sunset over it!!
The Texas Hill Country
is an area of Texas that is filled
with beauty on every level. The hills
and valleys of this region have many
wooded forests and grasslands. Large
farms dot the landscape, and the whole
area lights up in the spring with beautiful
wildflowers that create quite a spectacle!
When you add a gorgeous Texas sunset
to the mix...well, it's got to be as close to
heaven as you can get on this earth!
March 20th, 2013